A meandering morning on Muskegon’s Lakeshore Bike Trail.
Category: Lakeshore Bike Trail
Bike Trail Buds
From a walk along Muskegon’s rapidly eroding Lakeshore Bike Trail.

The sunrise over Muskegon’s Ruddiman Lagoon on April 24, 2016.

These are from Muskegon’s McGraft Park and Heritage Landing on the morning of July 3,2015.
The temperature finally got slightly above stupid this morning. Enough so to head out for the first Muskegon River run of the year.
These are both from a foggy run up the north branch after putting in at Fisherman’s Landing. The fog was so thick that it didn’t burn off until way later in the morning.
What was intended to be a short run to check for leaks and other equipment issues went way longer which explains the arms that feel like overcooked spaghetti!
After so many weeks with single digit temperatures, a 32° morning can seem relatively toasty. That changes after a few long exposures, when the fingers get so numb that they can no longer open the camera shutter.
This Muskegon rail yard picture from last week was taken just before that chilly reality prompted a walk back home.

From another early morning walk along Muskegon Lake. The first is of the Kirksey dock. The other is looking across the lake towards Muskegon from the kiosk on the bike trail.
Both were taken way before sunrise, so the camera shutter had to be open for several seconds before it would capture much of anything. This is why the surface of the lake looks so crazy. Most ripples and waves tend to disappear in a long exposure.
Ruddiman Creek where it ends at Muskegon Lake before sunrise on the morning of October 15, 2014.
Muskegon was jumping this morning.
A highly inefficient route to a packed Farmer’s Market was shared with a cross country tournament, a charity run, and a bike race. Best of all was a gorgeous hawk in the trees between Ruddiman Lagoon and Addison Street.
It was very satisfying to find Bike Trail Jim, who made last year’s initial siting of the bear swimming from North Muskegon. I assumed my hawk encounter would at least slightly rebalance the wildlife spotting score.
Bad assumption.
“You only saw one?” It seems that four of these beauties have taken up long term residence around our lagoon!
Dock Before Dawn

From a first try at long exposures, the Kirksey Dock on Muskegon Lake way before sunrise yesterday morning.

It was a long trip to the Muskegon Farmers Market last Saturday. Not measured in distance, but rather in time. The flowers along the Lakeshore Bike Trail were so beautiful that as soon as you had a photo of one, the next would seem even prettier.
Here are just a few of the reasons that breakfast was finally consumed at lunchtime.

Click on any photo to enlarge.

From this morning's walk along Muskegon Lake.

Muskegon’s Ruddiman Pond just before sunrise on October 25, 2013.