A very foggy Muskegon Lake morning on November 6, 2016.
Dock in Fog

A very foggy Muskegon Lake morning on November 6, 2016.
Muskegon Lake before sunrise on the morning of October 25, 2016
A peninsula near the mouth of Ruddiman Creek shows off the fall colors.
After launching near the Cobb stack before dawn on August 31, 2015, this was the view from the south branch approaching Muskegon Lake.
From Muskegon Lake, near the mouth of the north branch of the river. As this was August 1, this beauty’s designation as “blue” had expired several hours previously. But given the pretty morning, who cares?
These are from Muskegon’s McGraft Park and Heritage Landing on the morning of July 3,2015.
The temperature finally got slightly above stupid this morning. Enough so to head out for the first Muskegon River run of the year.
These are both from a foggy run up the north branch after putting in at Fisherman’s Landing. The fog was so thick that it didn’t burn off until way later in the morning.
What was intended to be a short run to check for leaks and other equipment issues went way longer which explains the arms that feel like overcooked spaghetti!
From another early morning walk along Muskegon Lake. The first is of the Kirksey dock. The other is looking across the lake towards Muskegon from the kiosk on the bike trail.
Both were taken way before sunrise, so the camera shutter had to be open for several seconds before it would capture much of anything. This is why the surface of the lake looks so crazy. Most ripples and waves tend to disappear in a long exposure.
Ruddiman Creek where it ends at Muskegon Lake before sunrise on the morning of October 15, 2014.
From a first try at long exposures, the Kirksey Dock on Muskegon Lake way before sunrise yesterday morning.
Muskegon Lake was crazy busy this morning.
Two separate bass tournaments caused a pre-dawn traffic jam at Fisherman’s Landing as an amazing number of boats were launched. The first starting gun was at 6:00 AM and the second a half an hour later. If they had been any closer together, there probably would have been pile ups on the lake itself.
The extra boats didn’t diminish the beauty of the morning. These photos are of the Milwaukee Clipper pilings and the shore just east of Ruddiman Creek.